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Panasonic PABX KX-TDA600 - Kap. 16 CO - 136 Extension

Kapasitas 16 Line, 136 Extensions ( 16 digital - 120 Analog )

  • 1 Unit KX-TDA600
  • 1 Unit KX-TDA6381
  • 5 Unit KX-TDA6178
  • 1 Unit KX-TDA0172
  • 1 Unit KX-TDA0103
  • 1 Unit KX-DT543

Harga : Rp.98,500,000

The Panasonic IP enabled KX-TDA Series business telephony solution combines advantages of traditional telecomunication together with the convergense of IP technology offering advanced features and flexibility to handle your company communication needs

Easy Migration to VoIP (IP / IP Telephony)

Designed to support convergence via modular architecture, this IP-enabled system facilitates a smooth migration towards VoIP, allowing voice and data communication to function harmoniously within the same network, assuring additional flexibility in the future.

Voice Mail Integration

Optional Cards (ESVM) provide added message recording and outgoing message handling capabilities that help ensure calls from your customers routed through properly and are always answered or processed gracefully.

Panasonic IP Aktif KX-TDA Series adalah solusi teleponi bisnis yang menggabungkan keuntungan dari telekomunikasi tradisional dengan pemusatan teknologi IP menawarkan fitur-fitur canggih dan fleksibilitas untuk menangani kebutuhan komunikasi perusahaan Anda.